The Outreach Team is a non-denominational body, borne out of the deep burden and concern to rescue lost humanity and restore scripturally based revival and true holiness to the body of Christ. Our goal is to reach the world with the gospel of peace (Mat 28:19-20). Reconciling men to God and preparing them for an eternity with the Almighty God.

The Outreach Team is out to help humanity find answers to the big questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Where will I spend eternity? These thought provoking questions are waiting for everybody’s sincere answer. To make some mathematical assumptions and then draw conclusions on such serious questions that have far reaching consequences will be dangerous and playing cheaply into the hands of the devil. The Outreach Team seeks to help everyone answer these pertinent questions with joy, eternal hope and lots more.

To achieve this purpose of preparing men for a blissful eternity with God, we engage in the following as our core focus: City Wide and Rural Crusades, Church Revivals, School Outreaches, Church Growth Conferences, Marriage Seminars, Discipling and Discipleship Training, Leadership Development.


We organize city wide and rural crusades. The primary aim is raising an end-time army for God, bringing salvation to the lost, deliverance and healing to the oppressed, setting the captives free and declaring the gospel of peace to everyone. Since 2009 we have held crusades across several cities and rural areas in Nigeria, especially within the Middle Belt region. In these crusades we have witnessed massive salvation of souls, revivals, healings, deliverance and lots more to the glory of God.  


The Team also trains and equips the church to participate actively in evangelization and soul winning. We hold special church revivals across different denominations when given the opportunity. God has transformed several denominations, individuals and ministers to a life of righteousness and holiness through our revival programmes. Through these programmes, God is raising for himself an army of saints ready to proclaim the true message of the cross and prepare their local church for a blissful eternity with God.


We hold special school outreaches across primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. Such outreaches have changed the lives of many children, youths and teachers for God. The target is to raise a new generation of young men and women for God who will be ready to live a life of righteousness and genuine holiness that will take over the church, if Christ tarries, in order to preserve true Christianity.


As we go from one location to another in the course of conducting city and rural crusades, we were faced with a common reality and challenge. We found that many pastors and church leaders were ill equipped for ministry. There was a great training deficit. Worse still, we found out that retraining or refresher courses were completely absent in many denominations. This gave rise to the burden of the Church Growth and Development Conferences in order to properly and adequately train those intending to go into ministry and to retrain those who are already in ministry for maximum productivity to God’s glory.  

In view of the above, the Church Growth Conferences became a strategy given to us by the wisdom of God to help rural and city churches attain growth and expansion as well as train and retrain the workers. In such conferences, we bring together church leaders and their workers from different denominational backgrounds across different communities to one meeting point and equip them with skills and strategies to go back and shine as light in their dark communities and denominations. This ultimately results in the growth and development of their churches. In these meetings, we emphasise the Ancient Landmarks of righteousness and holiness while revealing clear strategies for building scriptural Christian marriages and families for the Lord.

These conferences often take four days of in depth study of the word. The program is for Overseers of Churches, Evangelist, Pastors and their wives, Sunday School Superintendents and teachers, Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses and all other categories of church workers. It is a time devoted for in depth study and teaching of the word of God. During these studies, great attention is given to Systematic Bible Expositions, Leadership Trainings, and Marriage Seminars amongst other things.


Because the family is the primary unit of the church and the society, this makes it a focal point for the devil’s attack. In recognition of this fact, we by the wisdom of God through special marriage seminars bring revivals to broken homes; restore broken marriages and help the singles to learn how to seek God’s will in marriage according to His original plan from the beginning. Cases of restitutions are carefully and prayerfully handled to God’s glory.


Other special programs we engage in include: publication and distribution of tracts and books for evangelism and edification of the body of Christ.

By the grace of God, we have published eight (8) tracts. They are: Divine Visitation (also translated in Hausa Language- Ziyarar Allah), The Departed Glory, Ungodly Opportunities, The Acceptable Time, My Everlasting Portion, The Vision of Eternity, Readiness for Death and Lost in the Crowd. These tracts are distributed to churches, individuals and ministries for free. The aim is to encourage them to learn and be involved in personal evangelism, expand God’s kingdom and fulfil the great commission.

In addition to these tracts, God has helped us to publish five (5) books namely: The Reality of Eternity, The Appointed Day of Judgement, Gleanings from The Parable of the Ten Virgins, Systematic Exposition of The Great White Throne Judgement and The Abiding Life in Christ.



Our participation in church revivals and marriage programs brought an ugly reality to our attention. This is the rate of backsliding or denial of Christ in many lives and families. Some of them is due to lack of proper spiritual upbringing or parenting (Discipleship). They were not properly discipled. This again raised the burden of discipleship training and developing Christian leaders for tomorrow. We took a cue from the opposite religion that begins from childhood to indoctrinate their children against Christ. We decided to pay the price to indoctrinate or disciple the converts God is bringing to us to cleave to Christ no matter the challenge they may face in future. Since The Outreach Team is a non-denominational ministry that God raised to complement the efforts of various denominations and local churches, we do not pull out disciples from their mother churches, instead we encourage every disciple to be a faithful member of a local assembly and labour assiduously for the growth of that assembly to the extent the church leadership and authorities permit. We aim at training the disciple to grow spiritually and to be involved in the development of his/her local assembly.

We trust you will find the materials here of immense help to your spiritual growth, development and service to the Lord. We will appreciate your comments and useful suggestions. Do not hesitate to connect with us in order to impart your life, ministry or community if the Lord lays it in your heart to network with us. Remain blessed and rapturable in Jesus Name. MARANATHA.