You are currently viewing DIFFERENT KINDS OF SONS I


Key Verses: But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work today in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go sir: and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Mat 21:28-31.

The scriptures above present to us the picture of two different kinds of sons from the same father. One would ordinarily think that the two being from the same father and probably had the same parental upbringing would possess the same kind of lifestyle. But this was not so. This parable illustrates the entire human race. Everyone of us will definitely fall into one of these sons. The certain man that begat these sons depicts God, the Creator.

The first son represents the repentant and obedient people while the second son represents the unrepentant, hypocritical and disobedient people. If you will personally examine yourself, you will find out that you will definitely fall into one of the groups. The sincere question you must ask yourself is which kind of son am I? I’m I like this son who initially disobeyed the father and repented afterward.

This is the category into which all born-again Christians fall. They were born in sin and disobedience. They began with sin and grew up in sin until a day came in their life that they genuinely and totally repented and yielded their entire life to Christ. They now began to obey God and his word. This is the first kind of son described for us. He later did the will of his father and was accepted.The other son had a mere profession of Christ and obedience but never took a practical step to renounce sin, satan and the world. He continued in sin to the ruin of his life. He was hypocritical. He quickly answered yes I go sir and never went. He deceived his father and his disobedient life exposed him.

The second son is a true picture of all unrepentant sinners of all ages and in all religions. He was rejected and condemned. He lost the privelleges and blessings of obedience and was replaced by the publican and harlots who sincerely repented of all their sinful lifestyle.You are to decide your destiny. As I look into the scriptures on this subject of different kinds of sons with all my facebook friends and beyond in the days ahead , we would be gleaning through the lives of sons like Esau & Reuben who lost their inheritances, Judas, the Son of perdition and Jesus the son who gave us back our inheritance. Before then sincerely answer this question. Which kind of son are you? May you be richly blessed as you follow me through in this series in Jesus Name.