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And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. Gen 19:19.

God warned Lot about the impending danger and doom that would soon befall the city of Sodom. God’s servants at that time did not mince words. They were direct on the message to Lot. It was Escape for your life. The present spiritual condition of this generation is not different from that of Sodom. As God sent strong warning to the people Sodom, the same way He is sending warning to this generation.

God’s endtime warning to everyone is ESCAPE FOR YOUR LIFE. Your life is very precious. No one can afford to toil with his life because it has no duplicate. You must take heed to God’s timely warning and run away from the road that leads to eternal destruction and doom. You can do this by simply repent of all your sins, forsake them and put your faith in Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.

This is truly the path of honour to follow.

Lot and his family to go out of Sodom because of the coming judgement on the city. Failure to obey this instruction have damning consequences. All disobedient people will be consumed unless they repent sincerely and turn a new leaf

——Lest thou be consumed Gen 19:19. There is a consequence if any man refuses this instruction coming from the Lord. The instruction is ESCAPE FOR YOUR LIFE lest thou be consumed. God instructed of life. Lot’s wife partially obeyed and she was consumed all the same. This shows that partial obedience is equal to no obedience. You either obey fully and completely or you do not obey at all. May God help you to fully obey Christ’s teaching and so avoid the catastrophe that will come on the disobedient in Jesus Name.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay