


About the Book

As I travel through Nigeria’s rural communities and cities in the course of preaching the gospel, I became personally bothered and burdened at the rate of backsliding of new converts and nominalism in Christendom. I kept meditating on how and where the church missed it. I concluded that one of the areas is lack of proper follow-up and discipleship of new converts. It became obvious to me that converts of many crusades were left to themselves and they fed on spiritual junks and became spiritually malnourished.

One of the solutions to the above discovery is this little book in your hands which is a collection of few Bible Study Outlines the Lord has helped us to develop. It is aimed at addressing this lack in the body of Christ. It has been carefully put together in such a way that the new convert can study it on his own. It will also be of immense help to Sunday school and children teachers as well as leaders of men, women and youth fellowships.



The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary says that the word portrait means a detailed description of somebody or something. It is synonymous with the word depiction. This means that this little book in your hand gives a detailed description or picture of the believer who is maintaining a steadfast, uninterrupted walk with Christ. It is therefore a mirror in which every sincere seeker of God’s righteousness who is heaven bound can look at and see his
true self. It is a medium that will be a true reflection of who you are. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (Jn 1:17b) but it was not limited only to the New Testament period. God’s grace has been available right from the Old Testament dispensation. Just as it is available for everyone today, it was also available in the Old Testament era.

And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD (Gen 6:7-8). Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou shewed unto me in saving my life (Gen 19:19a).

And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight and I know thee by name. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy to whom I will show mercy (Ex 33:17, 19).

The world’s population today is estimated to be above seven billion. Of this number, how many have received God’s grace which has appeared to everyone of this seven billion population? The number truly speaking is very negligible. This was the situation in the Old Testament period. God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Gen 6:5). Yet a man called Noah found grace in the sight of God in the midst of the wicked generation of his time. In the same way, you too can find God’s grace even in the midst of this wicked and adulterous generation. Do not be left out. Join the queue moving to Calvary in order to receive grace to be saved from sin and its consequences.

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah lived a very terrible life. It was so terrible that their sin was very grievous and was crying to God daily. God therefore decided to destroy all the inhabitants of that city but Lot found grace and mercy in God’s sight. You too can find the same grace today in the sight of God like Lot. The grace that was available for Lot is still available today. That same grace will keep you steadfast like Noah. He was a preacher of righteousness in the midst of his crooked generation. He was steadfast in the building of the ark for a period of more than one hundred years. He refused to be distracted by the ungodly ceremonies and lifestyle of the men of his generation. The grace that kept Noah is available to you. You can receive it.

This is the focus of these series of Bible Study outlines in your hand. The topics have been carefully selected to meet the spiritual needs of new converts as well as a follow-up material for disciplers, Sunday school teachers, leaders of youth, men and women fellowships. I am convinced that a diligent use of this book will help mature new converts to adulthood in faith and enable believers to be steadfast in their work with the Lord. I therefore urge you to be very objective in your study and open your heart to the Spirit of God to lead, interpret and apply his word to you. My earnest prayer for you is that these studies will transform your life and make you ready for his return in Jesus name.

Okey Nwafor
The Outreach Team Abuja,
June 2022.

About the Author

Okey Nwafor is a Bible teacher and evangelist in rural communities in Nigeria, West Africa. He is deeply committed to raising an army of purified and consecrated saints that will gather in the end-time harvest of our Lord Jesus. He is married and blessed with children. Presently he lives in the Federal Capital of Nigeria from where he travels to different parts of the country to preach and teach the undiluted word of God.

He is the author of The Reality of Eternity, The Appointed Day of Judgement, Gleanings from the Parable of the Ten Virgins, Systematic Exposition of The Great White Throne Judgement, The Abiding Life in Christ and several evangelistic tracts which include: Divine Visitation, The Acceptable Time, Lost in the Crowd, Readiness for Death, The Vision of Eternity, My Everlasting Portion, Ungodly Opportunities, The Departed Glory and Ziyarar Allah (Hausa).


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