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And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

In our last meditation, we looked at the challenge of self-denial as a pre-condition to following Jesus acceptably. We must get something right here and now. We are not saying that people are not desirous of following Jesus. We are not saying that people are not interested to follow Jesus. As a matter of fact, millions of people show great interest and enthusiasm about following him. But the scriptures say,many are called but few are chosen. Why is it very few that are chosen not minding their interest? It is because the obstacles or challenges on their way were not surmounted. They did not therefore follow him according to approved and acceptable standards set by Christ. Their desire to follow him could not be achieved. From the verse of our meditation, the first obstacle is the presence of self which runs contrary to divine purposes. The self-life is directly opposite and in opposition to the standard and footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ. It must therefore be crucified and put out of the way if anyone irrespective of his status will truly follow Jesus.

In this our meditation, we are looking at the second challenge or the obstacle on our route in following Jesus. What is this second challenge? It is for you to take up your cross daily. You must be prepared to take your cross daily and follow him. Anyone who wants to follow Christ cannot dodge this. Taking up your cross is unavoidable. It is not optional but compulsory. If truly you desire to follow Jesus then you must brace up and take up your cross daily and follow him. You do not take this cross when you like. It is not also a momentary action. A once and for all action. It is a continuous daily life as long as you live. It is not what you do when it is convenient. Taking your cross is for all seasons whether it is convenient or not, whether it is pleasant and palatable or not. There is no leave when it comes to taking up the cross and following him.

Permit me to ask this question. What is the cross that you are to take up? Does the cross mean that piece of polished wood made by a carpenter that people hang in their houses, cars or neck? Does the cross mean that piece of well-polished iron coated with gold that people carry about? No, not at all. The cross in our verse of meditation is not that of wood or iron. The cross is that point where God’s will and purposes crosses our self-will. At this point you are faced with a choice. The choice of either denying your self-will and pick God’s will and follow him or you reject God’s will and follow self. Let me say that if the self-life is not crucified, you cannot take up your cross and follow Jesus. We did mention in our last meditation that the self-life is diametrically the opposite of Christ’s foot-steps. The self-life is a great inhibitor to taking your cross and following him. Allow his cross to cross and crush the self-life. The cross is the symbol of identification with Christ’s life and sufferings. It is the life of following Christ’s example in our deeds and words. It is a Christ-centred life which is as a result of daily self-crucifixion.

What are the benefits of the cross? What does one stand to gain if he takes his cross daily and follow Christ? There are great benefits and provisions of the cross. Obedience brings blessings. The obedience to Christ’s instruction to take up your cross has great and manifold benefits.

The cross is not a problem or sickness which we encounter in life. It is the wisdom of God that beats down all the strategies of the devil against mankind. The cross is the place where the tyranny of Satan was destroyed. It is the center of obedience, cleansing, forgiveness and renewal. The cross is where all Satan’s accusations are cancelled and he is rendered impotent. It the place of redemption where all demonic covenants and curses are abolished permanently. At the cross Satan loses the power to punish and subdue people. Real and lasting freedom from sin, sicknesses and curses are found only at the cross. It is at the cross that all matters of mankind are settled once and for all.

In the light of these benefits therefore, decide to take up your cross daily and follow him. May the Lord help and strengthen you as you obey in Jesus name.